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Fu Chess is an exciting and challenging variant of the traditional game, where you play without turns and in real time. This means that both you and your opponent can move pieces simultaneously and must make quick and strategic decisions.

The game is played online and allows you to play with your friends, with other people online, and against the computer with increasing difficulty. One of the main features of this game is the ability to combine strategies and speed to defeat your opponent. It is an exciting and challenging game for those looking for a different and exciting gaming experience. The original name of this game is Kung Fu Chess. To play against the computer click on “Play vs AI”, to invite an online friend “Play vs Friend”.

Credits and License:
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. • Work Title: Kung Fu Chess • Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public LicenseSource Code Link • Disclaimer and Warranty: there are no warranties for the software and the authors are not responsible for any problems related to its use • Link To Kung Fu Chess Site

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