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Xiangqi is an ancient and exotic Chinese board game from the chess family, also known as the Elephant Game. This game allows you to challenge any opponent, whether against the computer or a friend online or on the same device.

With three levels of difficulty and the ability to play from your browser without any installation, Xiangqi is an accessible and exciting game for all skill levels.


Xiangqi History

Xiangqi evolved in China and has been a beloved pastime for many centuries. Believed to have originated as a military strategy simulation, it has been enriched with philosophical and cultural influences, becoming an essential part of the Chinese gaming heritage. 


Xiangqi Rules and Strategies

Xiangqi is played on a 9×10 board with pieces representing military elements. Unlike Western chess, the piece movement is unique, such as the “cannon,” which captures by jumping over another piece. The goal is to checkmate the opponent’s general. Xiangqi strategy focuses on position and control, with a particular emphasis on planning and foresight.


In Xiangqi, each piece has unique movements and abilities:

Soldier (Pawn) - Xiangqi Soldier (Pawn): moves one intersection forward and, if in enemy territory, can also move horizontally. It doesn’t retreat, and when reaching the enemy’s last line, it moves only horizontally. There’s no promotion.
Cannon - Xiangqi Cannon: moves like the War Chariot (Rook) and can capture only by jumping over another piece in its line of attack; it cannot jump over two or more pieces. The jumped piece can belong to either side and can only jump when capturing.
War Chariot (Rook) - Xiangqi War Chariot (Rook): moves like the rook in traditional chess.
Horse - Xiangqi Horse: moves one intersection horizontally or vertically, followed by one diagonally. The pivot point must be empty.
Elephant - Xiangqi Elephant: moves two intersections diagonally, provided the intermediate point is empty. It cannot cross the river.
Official (Bishop) - Xiangqi Official (Bishop): moves one intersection diagonally and cannot leave the squares marked as the palace.
General (King) - Xiangqi General (King): moves one intersection horizontally or vertically and cannot leave the squares marked as the palace. It cannot have a direct line of sight with the opponent’s general, meaning there must be at least one piece between them in the same column.

The game is won by checkmating or stalemating the opponent’s General (King). The same piece cannot give check more than three times in a row in the same position.


Credits and License:
Copyright MeldrumJon • Work Title: Xiangqi • Distributed under the GNU General Public License • Enlace al Source Code Link • Disclaimer and Warranty: there are no warranties for the software and the authors are not responsible for any problems related to its use.

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